Archive | December 2013

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Emergency Exit System

It is vitally important to have a good emergency exit system in place, no matter how many other safety precautions have been taken and how well designed and safe a building is! Such an egress is usually designed with outward opening doors. As the name suggests, these are meant for use in unforeseen situations like accidents or in case of a fire breaking out. These are also commonly referred to as fire exits to ensure that people know where to head in case of a fire.

Geze Emergency Exit System
Geze Emergency Exit System

Having just one way to enter or leave a building can be very dangerous. For instance, if a fire has broken out and is blocking the way to the main exit, then people can be trapped inside the burning building until external help arrives! This is why an alternate exit that can be used in emergency situations is a pre-requisite for all buildings larger than a certain size. The local building codes govern the design rules regarding where such exits must be situated and how many should be built into the building. These are commonly located in easy to access places and stairwells, so that people can quickly and efficiently evacuate a building using them. The signs to be displayed with regard to the location of such exits are also strictly governed by Governmental authorities.

There are many types of exits that can be designed for this specific purpose and it is not only buildings that need them. These are also mandatory in public transport vehicles like trains and buses and aircraft. These systems can be in the form of single leaf or double leaf doors that swing open outwards or they can be in the form of horizontal trap doors set into the floor or ceiling or they can even be in the form of round port holes that also act as smoke and heat ventilation systems. The choice of the type of exit to be used will depend on many factors like the size of the building, the number of people expected to occupy the building during peak hours, the purpose of the building itself (whether it is built for a special purpose like housing psychiatric patients or laboratories or quarantine patients etc.).

The reason why it is so important to choose the right emergency exit system is because of the tremendous consequences if no such system is in place when a fire accident occurs. A malfunctioning system or one that is not effective can cause great loss of human life and great damage to property. On the other hand, a well designed system that is properly in place can be invaluable in the saving of lives and also preventing damage to property because such systems will allow people to safely come out of the building and also allow rescue workers and fire fighters to enter the building to control the damage effectively.

How Important is an Entrance System

I am a person who is very impressionable and for me a good entrance system can tip the scales in the favor of whatever establishment I am entering! The old adage “the first impression is the best impression” does hold true where I am concerned and I am sure it does for many others too. If you had to enter a building that has a shoddy front entrance, then naturally your impression about what to expect inside it will also be relatively low. This is something that holds good not only for businesses and commercial buildings, but also for private residences. This is why even practices and sciences that advocate harmony in our surroundings like Chinese Feng Shui or Indian Vaastu advocate pleasant and harmonious entrances that are filled with light and air for buildings. Fortunately for us, thanks to the fact that the Indian building industry is booming and many leading international brands are now available here, there is no dearth of sophisticated and innovative choices when it comes to getting the best solutions for this purpose.

The fact that an entrance system that is both aesthetically pleasing and practically functional is very important cannot be denied. For instance, let me relate to you an incident that left a lasting impression on me. This was almost a decade ago when the mall culture was just catching up in Chennai where I live. As soon as this world class mall was inaugurated, I was among the initial crowd that thronged it. What I loved best about the whole mall experience was the gleaming glass automated doors that would seemingly float on thin air and simply slide apart when you approached them. I also noticed that it was not only me who was so enamored by these sophisticated entry doors, but a large number of people, adults and children alike would simply stride in and out of the shops just to experience those doors! Now I know all about slim door drives that are concealed at floor level and all-glass entrance solutions and infrared sensors and proximity switches that can be used to create this effect but I will never for get that initial feeling of childish wonder at such an innovative and state of the art entrance design!